Tips On Ultrasonic Cleaner Maintenance

An ultrasonic cleaner is a cleaning device that uses ultrasound (usually from 20–400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solvent (sometimes ordinary tap water) to clean delicate items. The ultrasound can be used with just water, but use of a solvent appropriate for the item to be cleaned and the soiling enhances the effect. Cleaning normally lasts between three and six minutes.

Ultrasonic cleaners are used to clean many different types of objects, including jewellery, lenses and other optical parts, watches, dental and surgical instruments, tools, coins, fountain pens, golf clubs, window blinds, firearms, industrial parts and electronic equipment. They are used in many jewellery workshops, watchmakers' establishments, and electronic repair workshops. 
JeKen® 20L Large Capacity Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner PS-G60A with Timer & Heater
A question we get here at Tovatech is how to avoid rust films on ultrasonic cleaning tanks. Elma ultrasonic cleaners have stainless steel tanks, which under normal 
onditions do not rust.  Instead, rust films are introduced as a deposit either from ferrous products being cleaned or from tap water used in the tank.  Rust stains can be avoided by regularly cleaning the tank surface using a suitable cleaning solution such as elma clean 60 or 215 to remove deposits before they have the opportunity to stain the tank surface.  If stains are present, an alternative is to operate the cleaner in a heating mode with water plus the cleaning solution.
A fourth maintenance tip deals with cavitation erosion that can occur in the areas around the transducers.  Cavitation erosion is a natural byproduct of ultrasonic cleaning and, depending on how the units are used, will sooner or later occur to the point where the tank will leak.  To postpone this institute regular tank cleaning to remove abrasive particles that fall from objects being cleaned.  Ultrasound moves these particles around the tank bottom where they have the effect of small drills that damage the tank floor.  As above, highly acidic cleaning solutions can likewise damage the steel, as can placing items being cleaned directly on the tank floor.  Another good practice is to maintain cleaning fluids at the proper level for the particular tank. 
Use distilled water or tap water with a neutral pH ultrasonic solution to properly fill the tank of your ultrasonic cleaner. Never use a manual soap in the ultrasonic cleaner and always follow proper dilution. A neutral pH ultrasonic cleaning solution, when properly mixed, effectively reduces the surface tension of the solution and increases the ultrasonic calibration process. The solution should be changed at least daily or sooner if the solution appears dirty or murky. Only plug an ultrasonic machine into a GFI outlet.
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