Have You Ever Had Abscessed Teeth?

An abscessed tooth is a collection of pus that results from infection. It can occur either at the root of the tooth or between the gum and the tooth. It can be caused by breaking or chipping of the tooth, gingivitis, gum disease, a failed root canal, or most commonly, tooth decay. Something like an untreated tooth cavity or a crack in the tooth can cause openings in the tooth enamel, where bacteria can then infect the pulp of the teeth. This can also be spread from the tooth to the booths underneath that are supporting the teeth.  

That area is so named because within that area lies structures that are prone to infection. The areas are the mouth (teeth), the nose (sinuses) and the eyes. All of which are known to become extremely infected for various reason...All of those structures lie very close to the brain and an infection from those areas can get dumped directly into the blood stream or work it's way up to the brain. Infection in the blood stream can also be fatal if you happen to be someone with a cardiac (heart) problem....Because of that issue alone blood producing procedures should never be performed in the mouth, such as extractions or root canals, without the patient first having been on a schedule of antibiotics prior to the procedures. Getting rid of a tooth abscess requires medical help. There are several different procedures that a patient can undergo. If the tooth can be saved, then a root canal will be performed. The tooth will be drained, and then a crown will be placed over the tooth.
If the tooth cannot be saved, it will be extracted, letting the abscess drain itself. With these medical procedures, dentists will prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection and speed the recovery process. An abscess can break by itself, in which case steps should be taken to keep the area clean and encourage drainage. Even if it has broken on its own, a visit with a dentist is still important, as there may be additional medication or instructions to follow. 
Never exceed the recommended dose, and check to make sure you are able to take pain relief medications with any of the other medications you may currently be on. Generally speaking, a pain relief medication that is intended to reduced inflammation works best for dental pain, because most toothaches are caused by an inflammation of the tissues or the inflammation of the nerve. Never put pain relief medication on the tooth or gum tissue, as this could burn the tissue.Successful treatment of a dental abscess centers on the reduction and elimination of the offending organisms. This can include treatment with antibiotics.and drainage. If the tooth can be restored, root canal therapy can be performed. Non-restorable teeth must be extracted, followed by curettage of all apical soft tissue.Unless they are symptomatic, teeth treated with root canal therapy should be evaluated at 1- and 2-years intervals to rule out possible lesional enlargement and to ensure appropriate healing.
Over time as the infection spreads, the bone in your jaw may start to dissolve. When this happens, you may feel less pain, but the infection will still be there. If you lose too much bone, your tooth will become loose and may have to be removed.
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