Energy Drinks and Tooth Erosion

Energy drinks are beverages that are meant to be a quick fix for the exhausted and sleepy. What do you do when you feel exhausted and beat but need to stay alert and awake? Simple, you take an energy drink and feel invigorated and instantly alive enough to finish whatever late night work you need to do.

For more than 10 years, energy drinks in the United States have been on the rise, promising consumers more "oomph" in their day. Are energy drinks good for you? Are there any dangers?

It's important not to make a blanket generalization about the term energy drinks because not all energy drinks are created equal. Most of them have one thing in common - they aim to give an extra boost of energy to the person who consumes them. Previous scientific research findings have helped to warn consumers that the pH (potential of hydrogen) levels in beverages such as soda could lead to tooth erosion, the breakdown of tooth structure caused by the effect of acid on the teeth that leads to decay.

The studies revealed that, whether diet or regular, ice tea or root beer, the acidity level in popular beverages that consumers drink every day contributes to the erosion of enamel. The study examined the acidity levels of five popular beverages on the market. The results proved that popular "high energy" and sports drinks had the highest mean buffering capacity, resulting in the strongest potential for erosion of enamel.

What is in an energy drink? First of all, there are actually some energy drinks that are nothing but soda pop with a little extra caffeine added in. This particular energy drink is no worse for you than drinking coffee and soda. In fact, most energy drinks have less caffeine in them than a cup of coffee! A cup of coffee will usually have about 200mg of caffeine. Moderate caffeine intake, however, has been linked to a metabolism boost, possible weight loss, and even mood enhancement. For this reason, some individuals may opt not to avoid caffeine altogether.

The popularity of energy drinks is on the rise, especially among adolescents and young adults. Their permanent teeth are more susceptible to attack from the acids found in soft drinks, due to the porous quality of their immature tooth enamel. As a result, there is high potential for erosion among this age demographic to increase.

However, more research may be needed on the health dangers (or lack thereof) surrounding the herbs like taurine, ginko, and ginseng. Thus, the dangers of energy drinks containing such ingredients will depend on whether these herbs are considered to be good or bad for one's health. And this is highly debatable.
People who drink a great deal more sodas, sports drinks, and energy drinks. The results, if not take dental treatment early and if extensive, can lead to very severe dental issues that would require full mouth rehabilitation to correct.

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