Tops Things to Get a Well Know of Your Dental Hygienist

Now, taking a visit with your dental hygienist may result in more benefits than just cleaner teeth and healthier gums. Most people simply don't realize just how educated and skilled their dental hygienists are; actually the dentist has evolved to the point where they can save lives.

Oral hygiene is part of your overall general health and well-being so dental cleaning should be scheduled as part of your regular health routine. In all probability a dental clean is a procedure that your dental hygienist will carry out and the dentist will step in to perform the more technical aspects should these be required.

In keeping with its mission to raise public awareness about dental health and to promote the value of seeing a dental hygienist, the association has issued the following list of the Top Ten Things Californians Should Know About Their Dental Hygienists.

Understand the Link Between Oral Health and Emotional Health in Children -- Dental hygienists are passionate about promoting good oral health among children, who can often suffer speech impediments.

Spot Signs of Eating Disorders -- Also related to nutritional issues, eating disorders can also be recognized in the mouth during a check up.

Committed to Expanding Access to Care -- Specially licensed hygienists can go into underserved communities and provide dental hygiene services

Promote Smoking Cessation -- When examining patients who smoke tobacco, dental hygienists often will counsel them to quit and provide resources and information.

They are qualified to detect a wide range of other life-threatening conditions, including high blood pressure and HIV.

Many people are uncomfortable when visiting the hygienist because they don't know exactly how they help the dentist. Actually the dental hygienist can even demonstrate how to do this right, which is very helpful for many people, especially with children that are still learning proper teeth brushing and flossing.


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