Many people think that only the color of the tooth surface changes to yellow teeth,once the worn surface be restored, the tooth can be white as before, this is the misunderstanding. In fact, there is no big difference in tooth color from the inside to the outside, the changes of body's physiological factors affects the color changes of the tooth, and the changes in physiological factors of the skeletal system is the most direct impact on the color changes of the teeth. In childhood, the tooth color is white and begin change with ages, then it shows varying degrees of ivory (beige), in fact, this is the life of the state of the skeletal system, which is the gradual symbol of inactivity. Chinese saying is that tooth is more than bone. Accurate to say the relationship between the teeth and skeletal system.

The method of teeth whitening essentially are only medical and cosmetic whitening. Medical whitening includes doing porcelain teeth, patches, cold light whitening, these three methods. Cold light whitening belongs beauty by using some Teeth Whitening Machine, it means it is not a treatments and it can not make the teeth more healthy, it's just a cosmetic way. Compared with ordinary cosmetic whitening, teeth whitening pigment can be changed from the deep by this way, which can achieve a long-term whitening effect. Cosmetic teeth whitening is the way of brushing teeth with cosmetic products and without any dental instruments, to hide the true nature of the teeth and make teeth white, it is a method of cosmetic beauty. Other way of cleaning teeth to scouring detergent can not change the color of teeth, it can restore only the teeth color, strictly speaking, it can not be considered as teeth whitening.
Many people believe that there is damage to the enamel, but it is not true. Although the cold light whitening with dental equipment contents some chemicals, but the reaction is not so strong that the cold light whitening will harm the teeth.

As for cosmetic whitening, the damage to teeth is also great. Because the chemicals of makeup are chemic drugs, once it attaches to the teeth, it can easily stimulate the gums, after long-term usage of it, there will form tartar, which leading to the periodontal disease.