1、Your child should be seen by a dentist by age one.
The goal of this visit is early detection of potential problems and to establish a dental routine.
2、Children over 2 years old can use a pea size amount of fluoridated toothpaste.
They should be taught to spit out the toothpaste when they are finished brushing-the excess fluoride can cause white spots on their teeth. Babies under 2 years old should use a non-fluoridated, infant/toddler toothpaste unless instructed by a pediatrician or dentist.
3、Do not put youur baby to bed with a bottle or sippy cup of milk or juice.
Your baby will be bathing his teeth in sugar throughout the whole night and can develop early, extensive dental decay. I know it is a pain but teeth should be brushed after the night time bottle of milk.
4、Be wary of sticky food!
I learned the hard way that fruit bars, even the “healthy” 100% fruit bars get stuck on teeth and cause cavities. Try to time sticky treats for when teeth will be brushed shortly after.
5、Beware of the sippy cup.
Allowing your children to sip from a juice or milk cup throughout the day exposes their teeth repeatedly to sugar and puts them at risk for decay. Give milk or juice with meals and water at other times. Better yet, SKIP THE SIPPY CUP and go to the cup without a lid! Sounds messy? For a bit, but if your child can hold the cup, they will soon learn how to drink with just a little spilling.
6、Begin brushing once your child has his first tooth.
Usually once a day (preferably at bedtime) until they are 2 years old and then at least twice a day from then on. Before his teeth erupt, you can wash his gums with a wash cloth. Once your child has two teeth that touch, you should begin flossing every day. The flossing is a really ambitious goal in our house but we are trying. Monitor your child until at least age 8 to be sure all teeth are adequately brushed and flossed. Make it fun: sing a song, brush your teeth together, play some music or watch a little hourglass timer go down.
7、If your child knocks out a baby tooth, put the tooth in a bag and call your dentist.
Although baby teeth are not re-implanted, the dentist will need to evaluate your child for fragments retained in the gum and the need for a spacer while waiting for the permanent teeth to come in.
8、A knocked out permanent tooth is an emergency.
Pick up the tooth by the crown (do not touch the root) and place it back in the socket (preferably) or between your child’s gum and cheek or in milk. Seek medical attention immediately.
9、If your water supply is not fluoridated, if your child only drinks bottled water or if you have a well, your child may not be getting enough fluoride.
Talk to your pediatrician or dentist to see if your child needs fluoride supplements.