curing light is a light which is designed to quickly cure a resin. Curing light are used primarily in the dental industry, where they are used in fillings, sealants, and adhesives for various dental procedures. Other versions of the curing light can be seen in use in manufacturing, where fast and even curing can be an important part of the manufacturing method. Various companies produce curing lights which have been custom designed for particular applications, ranging from electronics to dentistry.
Manufacturers of dental curing lights make models which are designed to be sterilized between patients, with controls which permit the dentist to change focus and intensity. Replacement bulbs, special filters, and other fixtures are usually obtainable through dental supply catalogs. When purchasing a dental curing light, it is advisable to go through reviews in trade publications and to get product recommendations and performance ratings.
Using a curing light accomplishes things. In the first place, it makes sure that the resin cures properly & adheres evenly. When applying fillings, this is critical to keep the filling in place in the mouth. For sealants, the curing light limits the risk of cracks & other issues with the sealant. With adhesives for implants & braces, the fast, even cure is also designed to limit issues in the future.The dental curing light for sale also increases patient comfort by quickly curing resins so that the patient is not forced to sit in discomfort while the resin sets. Since the mouth usually needs to be held open wide & may be dry for the procedure, patients usually require the procedure to finish as quickly as feasible so that they can close their mouths & remoisturize the dried oral membranes. Using a curing light gets patients in & out of the stool quickly so that the experience of irritation & pain is limited.
As a dentist, we naturally need a curing light, but the problem we are facing often is how we choose. Today, we present precisely the means to choose a suitable curing light.
Today, the curing light on the market mainly consists of two types according to the difference of light: the light is white and the blue light.
The previous, as the halogen lamp whose light source is a halogen bulb, produces white light and blue light obtained after wavelength of 400-500nm using the color filter, and the following as LED lamp or laser product itself blue light.
Halogen curing light produces a lot of heat during the processing of resin because its energy conversion efficiency is low, and a lot of energy lost as heat which will give a negative impact on the dental pulp. The laser light can set the exact peak at 468nm wave length that is most proper for most photoresists. But this technology is complicated and expensive. For the LED lamp, the scope of the wavelength is approximately 465nm to 470nm. This is exactly the blue light wavelength at which the resin is sensitive. Therefore, it is highly specific as the source of the curing light. More than 90% of the energy is converted into the pure blue light because there are no other colors produced, and then the LED lamp produces little additional heat. This is why we can avoid the negative impact of heat on the gum. This feature is so important to the curing light is also called LED cold light source.
When choosing a LED curing light, we must take into account two factors: the LED overheating and rapid loss of light intensity over time. In fact, it is only the problem of overheating LED. To obtain the maximum output LED light, increase the maximum electrical power LED; however, if the electric current is too strong, it can cause overheating and more LED to greatly reduce the life of LED . The worst thing is to burn the LED.