Getting Out Of Abscessed Teeth With Root Canal Treatment

A tooth can become abscessed due to gum disease, tooth decay, or trauma to the tooth. An abscess is an infection that can occur either at the root of the tooth, or between the tooth and the gum. It is usually painful and ALWAYS dangerous—once the infection occurs, it can spread throughout your mouth and your body. In some cases, an abscessed tooth can even lead to death, which makes early treatment of an abscess essential. To counter this risk, you need to be able to identify a possible abscess as early as possible so that you can get immediate medical attention. Here is how to identify and abscessed tooth.
An abscessed tooth can become a major problem if the infection is not dealt with right away. An abscess looks like a ball of pus above or below the gum line. It is important to see a dentist for treatment in order to eliminate the infection and preserve the tooth. A person with an abscessed tooth may need to take antibiotics, and then undergo surgery to have the abscess drained. In some cases a root canal or tooth extraction may be required. If an abscessed tooth is left untreated there could be devastating consequences. If the infection spreads too far a person may even lose her life.
Getting rid of a tooth abscess requires medical help. There are several different procedures that a patient can undergo. If the tooth can be saved, then a root canal will be performed. The tooth will be drained, and then a crown will be placed over the tooth. If the tooth cannot be saved, it will be extracted, letting the abscess drain itself. With these medical procedures, dentists will prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection and speed the recovery process. An abscess can break by itself, in which case steps should be taken to keep the area clean and encourage drainage. Even if it has broken on its own, a visit with a dentist is still important, as there may be additional medication or instructions to follow. 
Dentists can spot abscesses by using x-ray and identifying areas of tooth erosion. Abscesses can usually be detected simply by physical examinations or with light tapping on the tooth by a dentist, to which the victim will respond with pain. To follow up, a dentist may use an electric tester in order to check the health of the tooth before determining if there is an abscess or any other disease.
Prevention plays a major role in maintaining good dental health. Daily brushing and flossing along with regular dental checkups can prevent tooth decay and dental abscess. Anyone who suffers from frequent dental abscesses needs to be evaluated by a health-care provider to determine if an underlying medical condition is responsible.
Remember to brush and floss after every meal and at bedtime.If tooth decay is discovered early and treated promptly, cavities that could develop into abscesses can usually be corrected.Avoidance of tobacco (chewing as well assmoking) use can help as well.

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