Dental drill as one of the dental instruments has uses in dentistry for a long time. A dental drill is a small, high-speed drill used in dental clinic to remove decayed tooth material prior to the insertion of a dental filling. Some of us look forward to the noise of the dental drill yet if it was not for the drill tool and the dental bur, the cutting bit.
There is an example of dental drilling going back 7,000 years and a pneumatic powered drill burr was produced in the mid 19th century. Primitive dental drills were used in the 18th and early 19th centuries. In 1868, an American dentist added power to the drill with a pneumatic version run by a pedal-powered bellows. In dentistry it is used to clear the tooth materials that get deposited between the holes in the teeth. Before a dental filling, it is used so that any dental material doesn't remain inside and cause further tooth decay.
The invention of dental drill has proved to be a boon for those people who are suffering from the pain of tooth problems. Modern dentist drills usually rotate at rates up to 400,000 rpm. The slow drill, the one we usually dislike even more with its heavy grind turns at about 40,000 rpm because of the additional torque needed to remove the final aspects of the decay from the tooth.
Dental Burs have three parts - the head, neck and shank. The head holds blades and these are the actual cutting tips. The main shapes of dental burs are round, inverted cone, plain fissure; tapered fissure and each are used for the majority of dental cavity work.
We now have many dental burs available, all with 1.6mm diamond. With those dental burs, we would be suffering even lighter when taking dental treatment, they would be much helpful than other dental equipment.