3D Systems has announced that Sirona Dental Systems, Inc., a pioneer in digital dentistry and a leading producer of dental CAD/CAM systems, has chosen its InVision® DP (Dental Professional) 3D Modeler to launch Sirona’s new infiniDent wax pattern service. After extensive research and testing with the 3D Printer, Sirona has announced plans to use 3D Systems’ InVision® DP 3D Modeler to fabricate inCoris WAX patterns as part of Sirona’s infiniDent service beginning in March 2008. The new inCoris WAX patterns are used by dental technicians who want fast, consistent and economical fabrication of full cast crowns, copings and bridge frameworks as well as full contour units for press ceramics or over metal and pure zirconium oxide (ZrO2) substructures.
3D Systems Corporation (NASDAQ: TDSC), a leading provider of 3-D Modeling, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing solutions, has announced that Sirona Dental Systems, Inc., a pioneer in digital dentistry and a leading producer of dental CAD/CAM systems, has chosen its InVision® DP (Dental Professional) 3-D Modeler to launch Sirona's new infiniDent wax pattern service.
After extensive research and testing with the 3-D Printer, Sirona has announced plans to use 3D Systems' InVision® DP 3-D Modeler to fabricate inCoris WAX patterns as part of Sirona's infiniDent service beginning in March 2008. The new inCoris WAX patterns are used by dental technicians who want fast, consistent and economical fabrication of full cast crowns, copings and bridge frameworks as well as full contour units for press ceramics or over metal and pure zirconium oxide (ZrO2) substructures.
3D Systems’ InVision® DP (Dental Professional) 3-D Modeler and new ProJet™ DP 3000 3-D Production System accurately, consistently and economically manufacture precision wax-ups. A dental professional scans a model, designs a virtual wax-up using 3-D software, then sends the data to the InVision® or ProJet™ modelers to "print" wax-ups in layers; these systems can generate hundreds of units in each cycle. With built-in VisiJet® DP 200 Material, the wax-ups have a smooth surface finish and can be cast or pressed with conventional techniques.
"The introduction of inCoris WAX vastly increases infiniDent's service offering for existing inLab and inEos users and provides them with more access to more materials," said Marcus Meier, MDT, manager of infiniDent. "We are convinced that dental laboratories utilizing these wax patterns will substantially increase their efficiencies when fabricating wax-patterns through infiniDent."