Doctors are often asked whether it is harmful to smoke three cigarettes a day, or five, or fourteen, or a pack; people seem to want a standard measurement. If they exceed it, that would be bad; if they smoked fewer than the standard, that would be all right. But no such figure can be set. For some people, one cigarette a week would be too many cigarettes.
Inhaling second-hand smoke, also called "passive smoke" or "environmental tobacco smoke," may be even more harmful than actually smoking. That's because the smoke that burns off the end of a cigar or cigarette contains more harmful substances (tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine, and others) than the smoke inhaled by the smoker.
So, once you have done this, you have worked out the psychological addiction. Now you just have the physical addiction. I used some chewing tobacco for a few days to give me the nicotene, and nicotene gum should also work. The discomfort only lasts a couple of days. Stick with it: this too shall pass.
On June 27th, 2006, the Surgeon General released a major new report on involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke, concluding that secondhand smoke causes disease and death in children and nonsmoking adults. The report finds a causal relationship between secondhand smoke exposure and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and declares that the home is becoming the predominant location for exposure of children and adults to secondhand smoke.
Smoking harms an unborn child in many ways. Nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco products, is carried through the mother's bloodstream directly into the baby.
Being a smoker is an obvious risk, but just being around people who smoke — and breathing in secondhand smoke — can cause problems, too. Parents can help kids and teens with asthma by protecting them from the effects of tobacco smoke.
Many people with asthma are allergic to dust mites. House dust mites are microscopic creatures that live on skin flakes shed by humans and pets. They thrive in warm, humid environments like mattresses, upholstery, pillows and carpets. They are found everywhere humans and warm-blooded animals live. It is especially important to keep your bedroom or sleeping area as "asthma-safe" as possible as you spend so much time there.
Each person has different triggers. To help you find out what your asthma triggers are, you may need to keep a written record of your activities. For example, write down what you were doing, and where, whenever you have symptoms. This will help you find out if being near certain things causes your symptoms. For example, if your symptoms are worse when you make your bed or vacuum, dust mites may be a trigger.
Tobacco smoke irritates the airways, and over time, can cause permanent damage to the lungs. The nose and the lining of the lungs filter the air that is inhaled. When smoke (either from smoking tobacco or breathing it in second-hand) is inhaled, it can destroy this lining. When this happens, it may cause asthma attacks and respiratory infections to happen more often. It is best not to smoke or be near smoke. Ask your doctor for ways to help you or members of your family to quit.
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