Pay More Attention to Periodontal Disease

The first stage; gingivitis, refers to inflammation of the gums caused by plaque that forms on the teeth and gums. This substance, if not properly removed through brushing and flossing hardens into tartar that irritates and infects the gums. Treated at this stage, gum disease can be controlled. It has not yet damaged the bone and ligaments that hold the teeth in place.


The second stage; periodontitis (begins as gingivitis), refers to the stage in which the plaque gets beneath the gums and begins to damage the roots of the teeth.


The third stage; pyorrhea, refers to the final stage of the disease.  It affects the bones and support system for the teeth. The gums often recede to the point that the teeth appear elongated; pockets form underneath the gums where plaque and food can collect causing bad breath and greater gum irritation. Plaque and tartar under the gum line can cause infections that damage the bone. This results in loose teeth and tooth loss.


To prevent gum disease, brush and floss your teeth daily; after every meal if possible. If you can not brush, at least rinse your mouth well with water. In addition to cleaning your teeth, using an electric toothbrush stimulates the gums. Avoid mouthwashes with alcohol, which can dry out and irritate sensitive gums.


According to the American Dental Association, any of the following can signal periodontal disease; although, it is also possible to have the condition without experiencing any symptoms.


Helpful Supplements:


Vitamin A (beta carotene) seems to control the development and general health of the gums; a lack of this vitamin often results in gum infection. Take up to 10,000 IU beta carotene daily.


Vitamin C intake is especially helpful for the prevention of gingivitis and pyorrhea and may help promote healing of the gums. A deficiency of this vitamin causes teeth to loosen and break down.  Take 3,000 milligrams daily.


Black tea may reduce your chances for gum diseases. Studies show that tea prevents plaque production. Subjects who rinsed with a black tea solution inhibited the production of amylase in their saliva. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down the carbohydrate in starchy foods to a form that bacteria feed on. In reducing amylase, mouth germs are starved and can notSupplement your diet with cranberry extract capsules or drink cranberry juice. Known for its natural anti-bacterial properties, cranberry in capsule or juice form may reduce the level of harmful bacteria in the mouth and decrease your risk of developing periodontal disease.


Supplement your diet with cranberry extract capsules or drink cranberry juice. Known for its natural anti-bacterial properties, cranberry in capsule or juice form may reduce the level of harmful bacteria in the mouth and decrease your risk of developing periodontal disease.


Boost the antioxidant level in your body with a Coenzyme Q10 supplement. A Japanese study, conducted at Osaka University, determined that supplementing the daily diet with 600mg of Co-Q10 decreased inflammation and infection in some periodontal patients. In addition, look for the inclusion of Co-Q10 in toothpaste.


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