Everyone hope have beautiful tooth.But there are many dental problems are borthing us.Many way be used to solved it.such as ultrasonic scaler. Abrasion is the pathological loss of tooth substance resulting from biomechanical wear. It can occur at the cervical region of teeth as a result of improper or excessive toothbrushing (Figures 1 and 2). Abraded surfaces of enamel have a smooth, glazed appearance. Affected dentin has a similar surface, resulting from sclerosis of dentinal canals and surface calcification.1,2 Abrasion lesions seldom have any plaque accumulation or caries in them, are linear in outline and follow the path of the etiologic agent. They appear initially as a small, horizontal groove across the facial (or rarely lingual) surface of the natural crown, near the cementoenamel junction. In later stages, the surrounding walls of the abrasive lesion make a V-shape by meeting at an acute angle axially.3 Finally, the peripheries of the lesion are angularly demarcated from the adjacent tooth surface.3 Incorrect toothbrushing technique, in addition to causing tooth abrasion, can simultaneously cause gingival recession, resulting in root surface exposure
This study was a clinical survey of the baseline pretreatment data, with descriptive analysis and correlational analysis of lesion characteristics, tooth location and patient demographics and
root canal endodontic. While acknowledging that NCCLs are multifactorial in nature, this investigation approached the NCCL as a single entity to determine if there are any trends, risk factors or etiologic covariables—in effect, to suggest a retrospective analysis of the outcome. Patient screening and evaluation of all teeth with NCCLs, identified visually or tactilely, were performed by two clinical investigators (T.C.A. and X.L.). We performed an initial calibration to ensure standardization, as much as possible, of the investigators’ techniques, criteria and procedures. Evaluation calibration also included using standardized models and photographs depicting the range of possible observations. Patients were screened initially to meet the study entry criteria (below) and, if qualified, were enrolled in the study for the evaluation visit. Qualified patients were recruited in the order in which they presented themselves for the screening session, thus forming a convenience sample.
It is evident that the CP whitening system whitened the teeth as compared with baseline. Results showed significant whitening from baseline for both the control and experimental groups. The reported change in shade was quite noticeable by patients and clinicians in both groups. The time frame for use of the agents in this study was based on the manufacturer’s instructions at the time, which ranged from four hours to overnight (depending on patient preference) for a two-week period. The average time of use was 6.22 hours per night among members of the experimental group and 6.25 hours per night among members of the control group.
With the introduction of so many agents, several with different concentrations, dentists have many options when prescribing at-home whitening. Much research has shown the safety and efficacy of 10 percent CP.16–21 However, it is not known if the more concentrated gels—which contain 15 percent, 16 percent or 22 percent CP—will whiten teeth to a greater extent; no controlled clinical trials have been reported, only clinicians’ anecdotal reports and manufacturers’ claims. Only one published study has shown that higher concentrations of CP will whiten teeth more quickly; it was performed on extracted teeth using 16 percent CP.22. In addition, beautiful tooth increase our confidence. We must use some efficient ways to protect our tooth.