Gum problems are a serious threat to dental health. Individuals who suffer these issues experience discomfort and frustration due to the numerous negative effects they give.
Gingivitis and periodontitis are just two types of gum problems, which can affect and damage not only a person's gingiva or gums but the bones surrounding his or her teeth as well. Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause of Gingivitis, because when plaque stays on your teeth for more than a few days it turns into tartar. Tartar then starts to build up next to your gums, and causes irritation and can lead to Gingivitis. The worst thing about tartar is that it can not be removed by brushing and flossing alone.
In order to treat gingivitis, a dentist or dental hygienist must thoroughly clean both the gums and the teeth. The process generally is not painful and the inflammation usually disappears after one or two weeks if the patient maintains proper oral hygiene care following the cleaning. Gingivitis is not really a major issue. Its symptoms are very mild, halitosis and gum swelling being the two most common. Pain is not even felt by the patient in the majority of cases. Gums may start to bleed and swell because of their developed sensitivity, but it doesn't really hurt.
One of the suspected causes of this dental defect is inappropriate hygiene. If not addressed immediately, it can develop into the more harmful and dangerous condition called periodontitis. Medical studies show a clear correlation between gum disease and heart disease, proving that people with gum disease have a 25 percent greater risk of heart disease. Scientists have just begun to understand how inflammatory gum disease releases pro-inflammatory chemicals into the bloodstream
Gingivectomy involves removal of accumulated tartar and other harmful material in the mouth. It can be done using either traditional tools, such as scalpels and scalers, or high-tech lasers. These bacteria results in a gum disease that will eat at your gums. The gums become inflamed, painful, swollen and often bleed because of it. If no treatment is sought, the condition will continue to worsen until the gums are virtually depleted leaving the teeth vulnerable. After gingivectomy, dentists can also help bring back one's smile by performing gingivoplasty, also known as gum line contouring.